karohemd: Canapes
karohemd: Smoked haddock, quail egg, potato, leek
karohemd: Celery, watercress, goat's cheese, beetroot
karohemd: Scallop, celeriac, truffle
karohemd: Roasted quail, pea and wild garlic, morels
karohemd: Sea bass, chicken, Jerusalem artichoke, truffle, roasting juices
karohemd: Efficient implement
karohemd: Roast squab pigeon, pastilla of onion, raisins, chickpeas and savoy cabbage
karohemd: Pousse café
karohemd: Fennel, black olive, lemon
karohemd: Poached rhubarb, apple, vanilla ice cream
karohemd: Caramelised pineapple, brioche, pineapple sorbet, pineapple caramel