karohemd: Stand and deliver
karohemd: Evil grin
karohemd: Stand and Deliver 1
karohemd: Stand and Deliver 2
karohemd: So, you want to be an outlaw?
karohemd: Aha!
karohemd: Hands up!
karohemd: Scholar 1
karohemd: Scholar 2
karohemd: Scholar 3
karohemd: Scholar 4
karohemd: Searching for knowledge
karohemd: Contemplation II
karohemd: Contemplation III
karohemd: There you are...
karohemd: I've been waiting for you...
karohemd: The knowledge is mine
karohemd: The sacrifice I
karohemd: The sacrifice II
karohemd: Facehugger
karohemd: Standing guard
karohemd: Raawwwrrr!
karohemd: If I had a boat...
karohemd: char_bsea_1189_web
karohemd: Metal!
karohemd: On the phone
karohemd: Wallflower
karohemd: Bimbling
karohemd: char_bsea_1211_web
karohemd: Look! An UFO in the sky!