Karney Li: Metro
Karney Li: Arcopolis
Karney Li: The Caryatids
Karney Li: Athens
Karney Li: Arcopolis
Karney Li: Arcopolis
Karney Li: The Erechtheion
Karney Li: The Parthenon
Karney Li: The Erechtheion
Karney Li: Above Athens
Karney Li: Overlooking Athens
Karney Li: Tourists & the Parthenon
Karney Li: Scaffolding
Karney Li: Acropolis Entry
Karney Li: Ermou
Karney Li: Arcopolis Museum
Karney Li: Sunset At the Acropolis Museum
Karney Li: Athens
Karney Li: Acropolis Museum
Karney Li: Take Away Lunch
Karney Li: Greek Shopkeeper
Karney Li: Vespa
Karney Li: Tight Squeeze
Karney Li: Running
Karney Li: Priest
Karney Li: Errands
Karney Li: Mary & Jesus
Karney Li: Smoking Break
Karney Li: Girl with Red Hair
Karney Li: Funny Shoes