Karnevil: Obelisco de Buenos Aires
Karnevil: Starry Starry Night
Karnevil: We Are Made Of Starstuff ~ Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Karnevil: Looking for Camelopardalids
Karnevil: Interstellar
Karnevil: “The surface of the Earth is the shore of the Cosmic Ocean, recently we’ve waded a little way out and the water seems inviting” ~Carl Sagan
Karnevil: Mystic Rhythms
Karnevil: “Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the Cosmic Ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.” ~ Carl Sagan
Karnevil: "Everything is created as if it was made by the most gracious, most educated artist; and yet this miracle was created by the blind nature in complete darkness." ~ Dr. E. H. Costa
Karnevil: Kvarner Gulf
Karnevil: It was built to honor Enver Hoxha a reviled communist dictator. It's ugly
Karnevil: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." ~ TS Eliot
Karnevil: It's like entering the secret lair of a James Bond villain
Karnevil: Martyrs of the Nation Boulevard
Karnevil: The Obligatory Foreign Beer Shot With An Medieval Castle In The Background
Karnevil: Historic City Under Water
Karnevil: Skanderbeg Monument
Karnevil: Blue Hour
Karnevil: Days of Future Passed
Karnevil: The Man in the High Castle
Karnevil: Come On Baby Light My Fire
Karnevil: Just My Imagination, Once Again. Running Away With Me.
Karnevil: Avenida de Maceo
Karnevil: Planet D: Dark side of the Dandelion
Karnevil: Planet D: Interstellar
Karnevil: Planet D: Satellite Seed
Karnevil: Planet D
Karnevil: Stairway To Heaven
Karnevil: Fishing in the Cosmic Ocean
Karnevil: Lifeguard