Karl Tate: USS Goofyprise
Karl Tate: Meet a meat-eating Vulcan
Karl Tate: Crew of about 20, I'd guess
Karl Tate: Blast the rockets, full speed ahead
Karl Tate: Now we know what JJ Abrams was reading as a kid
Karl Tate: Lower the engines!
Karl Tate: I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
Karl Tate: To boldly trip
Karl Tate: Nice view
Karl Tate: Have you got the time, Captain
Karl Tate: Assignment: Jumpsuit!
Karl Tate: Outfitted for adventure
Karl Tate: Quick Spock! To the drafting table!
Karl Tate: Shouldn't Ensign Denton be wearing a red shirt?
Karl Tate: The trouble with holsters
Karl Tate: Who needs Communicators?
Karl Tate: Germination: the fate worse than death
Karl Tate: Crackle
Karl Tate: Holy crap, Spock, chill a little
Karl Tate: Looking forward to the hourly TV-radio report was the crew's favorite pastime
Karl Tate: Zapppp! Zammmm!
Karl Tate: Zaaap
Karl Tate: He's going for his gun!
Karl Tate: WHERE?!
Karl Tate: Familiar