karl_beeney: Flat farming land punctured by periodic hills to the North. Marsabit. Kenya.
karl_beeney: Low hills peppering the plane North and West around Marsabit. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: The view across Marsabit town from one of the few neighbouring hills. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: Green hills ring the contrasting brown landscape of Marsabit. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: Blue sky and clouds edging over the flat farming town of Marsabit. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: Marsabit town with its series of low hills seen in the North and West. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: Painted mural scenes from the bible presented from an African perpsective. Shrine Church. Marsabit. Kenya.
karl_beeney: Painted mural presenting bibilical scenes. Shrine Church. Marsabit. Kenya.
karl_beeney: Beautiful and bold depiction of The Last Supper. Shrine Church. Marsabit. Kenya.
karl_beeney: Painted mural of Christ and his crucifixion presented in the Shrine Church. Marsabit. Kenya.
karl_beeney: Butterfly in the hills around Marsabit. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: Butterfly resting on a dark green leaf. Marsabit. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: Orange winged butterfly amongst the hilly foliage above Marsabit. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: From a hill top looking across the dry sandy-yellow plane around Marabit. Kenya.
karl_beeney: Hilltop advantage point across the marbled green and brown of Marsabit and further hills that encircle the town. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: Daniel, Gabriel and Jerome at the top of of the many hills around Marsabit. North Kenya.
karl_beeney: Gabriel with adults and children from an El-Molo tribal village 15km from Loyangalani. Northern Kenya.
karl_beeney: Gabriel and myeself with an El-Molo lady. Near Loyangalani. Kenya.
karl_beeney: El-Molo women and children at the shoreline of Lake Turkana. Near Loyangalani. Northern Kenya.
karl_beeney: Brightly dressed El-Molo women and children. Near Loyangalani. Kenya.
karl_beeney: El-Molo children crowding around for a photo. 15km from Loyangalani. Northern Kenya.
karl_beeney: El-Molo children curious to see a foreign arrival. Near to Loyangalani. Lake Turkana. Kenya.
karl_beeney: El-Molo girl with a shrewd glance sandwiched amongst her friends. Lake Turkana. Kenya.
karl_beeney: Fishing boat moored to narrow island close to Lake Turkana's Eastern shoreline. Kenya.
karl_beeney: The empty stillness around the shoreline of Lake Turkana close to an El-Molo village. Northern Kenya.
karl_beeney: Gabriel looking at a long narrow fishing boat moored at an inlet of Lake Turkana's Eastern shore. Northern Kenya.
karl_beeney: White fishing boat moored in a narrow inlet on Lake Turkana. Near Loyangalani. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Livestock grazing in the dry grasses long Lake Turkana's Eastern shore. Northern Kenya.
karl_beeney: Two El-Molo women making the journey for fresh water. Lake Turkana. Kenya.
karl_beeney: Eliud pouring water from a cupped hand at the shore of Lake Turkana. Northern Kenya.