karl_beeney: Brightly coloured wall motifs seen in the narrow alleyways of Harar's old city. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Night time feeding of a pack of hyena's in Harar's old city. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Up close and very personal with a pack of wild hyena's. Harar. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Hand feeding a family of wild hyena's in Hara's old city. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Joshua offering a hyena slivers of meat hanging from a stick. Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Joshua offering a hyena a sliver of meat from a stick held between his teeth. Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Myself taking a strip of meat to feed the hyena. Old Harar. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Myself offering a basket of meat to a pack of wild hyena's. Harar. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Myself holding a basket of meat to an interested party of hyena's. Harar. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Night time hyena's coming into old city Harar to be fed. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Feeding time for a wild pack of hyena's. Harar's old city. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Adult female hyena seen during the night time. Harar. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Female hyena with her cub. Old quarter of Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Female hyena, head of a pack that comes into Harar to feed every evening at dusk. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Hyena taking a rest after being fed by curious humans. Harar. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Hyena taking a rest on the dusty street of a quiet suburb in old Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Market day outside Shoa Gate. Harar Old City. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Market day leading down from Shoa Gate in Old Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: The fruit & veg section of the busy Christian market close to Shoa Gate. Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Selling fruit and veg in the Asma'addin Bari Market. Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Young tailor working on his street sewing machine. Mekina Girgir. Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: A traditional Adare House. National Cultural Centre. Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: The honeymoon room inside a traditional Adare House. National Cultural Centre. Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: The sunken social room filled with traditonal Adare artifacts. National Cultural Centre. Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Front garden constructed from plant pots. The Harari National Cultural Centre. Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Black Kites gathering around the nearby butchers. Old City Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Muslim lady with her own alcove food stall. Old City Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Large camel and livestock market at Jijiga. East of Harar. Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: Somali women surveying several camels at the popular livestock market. Jijiga. East Ethiopia.
karl_beeney: A pair of camels with opposite view points. Jijiga. East Ethiopia.