karl_beeney: What $100 gets you in Somaliland Shillings. Hargeisa. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Old war damanged tank covered in white graffiti. Desert outside Hargeisa. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: A worn out and badly damaged tank rusting in the desert. Woqooyi Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Man with a lit cigarette drooping from his mouth. Dhubato. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Pre-historic rock art on the caves at Ras Geel. Woqool Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Pre-historic cave art at Ras Geel. Woqooyl Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Ochre pigment art work at the cave paintings of Ras Geel. Woqooyl Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Horned beast being hunted. Prehistoric cave art at Ras Geel. Woqooyl Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Wild beasts with high arched bellies. Pre-historic cave art. Ras Geel. Woqooyl Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Local pointing out the correct scale of prehistoric cave art. Ras Geel. Woqooyl Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Decoratively patterned cave art thousands of years old. Ras Geel. Woqooyl Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Varied mineral related colours used to convey pictograms in pre-historic cave art. Ras Geel. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Child standing at the base of a raised ship themed round-a-about. Berbera. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Local kids posing together on a ship themed round-a-bout. Berbera. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Citizen passing the remians of a crumbling brick building. Berbera. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Small boat heading out to a collection of ships. Berbera Port. Gulf of Aden Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: The stone jetty at the Port of Berbera with rusitng ships on the horizon. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Ships, some sunk and small fishing vessels at the Port of Berbera. Gulf of Aden. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Camel grazing on one of the suburban sand roads in Berbera. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Single camel wandering the quiet rubbel strewn street of Berbera. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Old colonial style building with green shutters. Coastal town of Berbera. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Originally a seafood and fishing company but now partially abandoned. Berbera. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: White fortress styled building with green shutters in the coastal town of Berbera. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Large bill-board poster advertising restaurant fare. Berbera. Togdheer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: The twisitng main road from Berbera to Sheekh with the plane beyond. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: The hilly road descending to the plane beyond. Near Sheekh. Woqooyl Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: The shrub and short tree covered hills that separate the coast from the plane. Woqooyl Galbeed. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: Up in the Golis Mountains which separate Sheekh from Burao. Toghdeer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: High point of the green Golis Mountains. Toghdeer. Somaliland.
karl_beeney: High up in the Golis Mountains looking west towards the plane below. Togdheer. Somaliland.