karl_beeney: Mosaic at Sabratha with the theatre behind. West Coast. Libya
karl_beeney: Extensive mosaic at the Roman site of Sabratha. West Coast. Libya
karl_beeney: Unhindered mosaic of a central cross within largening circles. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: Large floor of black and white mosaic in Sabratha. West Coast. Libya
karl_beeney: The Theatre with it's grand columned facade. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The stage of the theatre with the mediterreanan behind. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The outer passageway that circles the theatre. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: Accessing the main theatre from a spectator passageway. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: Narrow corridor that leads to the theatre at Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The triple tiered multi columned facade to the Grand Theartre at Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The ambitious Roman facade of the theatre at Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: Character sculptures attached to the front stage of the Sabratha theatre. Libya
karl_beeney: Sculpture of an actor incorporated onto the front of the stage. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The well restored theatre with its columns across multiple levels. Sabratha. Libya.
karl_beeney: The carved head of an actor on the side of the stage. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The heavily columnaded facade of the theatre at Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The actors entrance onto the theatres stage. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The colonaded courtyard of the Temple of Isis with the mediterranean behind. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The pillars that lined the courtyard to the Temple of Isis. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The ruins of the Temple of Isis. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The once grand Temple of Isis on the edge of the Mediterranean. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: Mosaic from the Theatre baths. Sabratha. West Coast. Libya
karl_beeney: Black and white mosaic floor close to the theatre. Sabratha. Libya.
karl_beeney: The mosaic floor of the Theatre Baths. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: The well preserved mosaic flooring of the seaward Baths complex. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: Headless statue and walled perimetre of the seaward baths. Sabratha. Libya
karl_beeney: A large stone olive press. Sabratha, West Coast. Libya
karl_beeney: Large pedestal from a corinthian column. Sabratha. Libya.
karl_beeney: Across the ruins of Sabratha with the Curia and the five pillars of the Temple of Liber Pater. Libya
karl_beeney: Remains of the Roman city of Sabratha that lines the Mediterranean. Libya