karl_beeney: Tall grasses alongside a faint path on the Mulanje Plateau. Mulanje. Malawi.
karl_beeney: Dry leafless flora on the rolling grasslands of the Mulanje Plateau. Malawi.
karl_beeney: Segregated burning to open up new growth on the Mulanje Plateau. Mulanje. Malawi
karl_beeney: Footpath across the plateau of the Mulanje Massif. Mulanje. Malawi
karl_beeney: Hikers heading across the plateau towards Lichenya. Mulanje Massif. Malawi.
karl_beeney: Group of children walking across the Mulanje Plateau. Mulanje. Malawi
karl_beeney: The sweeping escarpment of the Mulanje Massif as it meets the plain below. Mulanje. Malawi
karl_beeney: Caretaker of the Chisepo Hut behind on the Mulanje Plateau. Malawi
karl_beeney: Granite domes that comprise part of the Mulanje Masif near Chambe. Malawi.
karl_beeney: Sunlight through the storm clouds over the Mulanje Massif. Mulanje. Malawi
karl_beeney: A moment of sunlight slashed across the mountains of the Mulanje Massif. Malawi
karl_beeney: A gap in the clouds displays the plain and the town of Mulanje. Mulanje Plateau. Malawi
karl_beeney: Above the cloud line on the final approach to the summit of Mnt Sapitwa. Mulanje Massif. Malawi
karl_beeney: Early morning light over the plain and humps seen from high on the Mulanje Massif. Malawi
karl_beeney: Patches of light across the foothills of the Mulanje Massif. Mulanje. Malawi
karl_beeney: At the summit of Mnt Sapitwa the highest peak on the Mulanje Massif. Malawi
karl_beeney: The varied peaks on the Mulanje Massif. Mulanje. Malawi
karl_beeney: Myself reaching the Sapitwa summit on the Mulanje Massif. Malawi
karl_beeney: The steep granite sides to the Mulanje Massif. Malawi
karl_beeney: Hikers on one of the trails that traverses the Mulanje plateau. Malawi
karl_beeney: Children outside a roadside grocery close to Mulanje village. Malawi
karl_beeney: Children eating sugar cane at the roadside near Mulanje. Malawi
karl_beeney: Tea plantation at the foothills of the Mulanje Massif. Mulanje. Malawi
karl_beeney: Small waterfall fed by the waters running off the Zomba Plateau. Zomba. Malawi
karl_beeney: One tree standing within a clearing on the Zomba Plateau. Malawi
karl_beeney: Descending through open country from the Zomba Plateau. Zomba. Malawi
karl_beeney: Single tree caught in the sunlight at the base of the Zomba Plateau. Zomba. Malawi
karl_beeney: Young mother with her baby tied to her back. Zomba Plateau. Malawi
karl_beeney: Heading up the road to the Zomba Plateau with collected fire wood. Zomba. Malawi
karl_beeney: Through the trees halfway down the Zomba Plateau with the Mulanje Massif just visible in the distance. Malawi