karl_beeney: Old Cairo near the Khan Al Khalili seen from the minaret of Al Ghouri Mosque. Egypt
karl_beeney: Street life in Old Cairo seen from the top of the Al Ghouri mosque. Egypt
karl_beeney: The densely populated area of Old Cairo suffering from poor planning. Seen from the Al Ghouri Minaret. Egypt
karl_beeney: Looking down onto street life in Old Cairo from the minaret of the Al Ghouri. Mosque. Egypt
karl_beeney: The crammed sprawl of old and new in Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: A small mobile handbag stall amongst the rubble and shadow. Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Looking down on the rooftops Al Ghouri minaret. Khan al Khalili. Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: The ancient sprawl of Old Cairo under a March sky. Egypt
karl_beeney: Mobile vendor selling bags and wallets in Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: The stone minaret lost amongst the mosaic of brick and wood. Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: The old city of Cairo around ... Egypt
karl_beeney: A heavy minaret rising above a sea of satelite dishes. Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Domes and Minarets of Islamic Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Elderly lady on a distant balcony of a yellow apartment in Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Lady on her balcony high above old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Hanging laundry framed by wooden scaffolding. Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Sitting on the wooden verandah of a closed shop. Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: The profusion of Mosques that rise from the sprawl in Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: The mess and beauty of things that are hardly planned. Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Above the bizaar in the heat of Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Brick and concrete mayhem that jostles with its heavyweight Islamic culture. Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Two old apartment blocks in downtown Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Grand Apartment blocks now in a jaded dusty state. Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Highrise living in the condensed mass thats become Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: The heavy dominating presense of Mosque architecture in Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: The collecting mess on the roof. Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Brick squares and cubes punctured by random mosques. Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: Cushions, bagged Duvets and a wandering cat. Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: The crammed concrete sprawl that is Old Cairo. Egypt
karl_beeney: A modern fly over that passes alongside the urban jungle of Old Cairo. Egypt