karl_beeney: Rondavel homes of local Lesotho people at the Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The dirt road heading South down from the Sani Pass to South Africa
karl_beeney: The landscapes of the South drakensberg close to the Sani Pass. South Africa
karl_beeney: The sweeping road that cuts through the Southern Drakensberg descnding from The Sani Pass. South Africa
karl_beeney: The Sani Pass road descending down to the South African border. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Part of the road in the massive Southern Drakensberg range. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Sun light over a couple of Rondavels. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Thatched Rondavel just in from the Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Thick carpet of wild flowers in Spring. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Spring flowers with Rondavels behind. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The Drakensberg seen from the summit of the Sani Pass in Lesotho
karl_beeney: The serpent track leading down towards the South African border from the Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The long and steep descent from Sani Pass down to South Africa. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The road descending down from the Sani Pass towards South Africa. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Saddle fingers descending at the valley floor. South Drakensberg. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The patterns of multiple saddles under an early morning sun. South Drakensberg. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Valley river flowing through the fingers of the Southern Drakensberg. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Doing the laundry after the storm has passed. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Local Lesotho villagers outside their Rondavel. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Hanging out the laundry under a blue sky. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Wild flowers at the foreground of a rondavel. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Man with his back towards us outside his rondavel. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Light, shadow and reflection on the plateau above Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The road to a scattering of Rondavels and out houses at Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The hair pin bends of the road as it descends down to South Africa. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The Sani Pass Hotel at the summit on the plateau. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The Sani Pass Hotel close to where the road enters the plateau. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Truck ascending the hair pin road towards Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Flora on the escarpement facing the descent down to South Africa. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The curviture of the escarpement that stands between Lesotho and South Africa. Lesotho