karl_beeney: Through the quiet streets of Rue Saida Ajoula in the Medina of Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: The Blue and white of Tunis medina. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Rundown alley close to Souq el Lefta. Central Medina Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Blue and red pipes for the use with Shisha. Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Arches that span across the narrow streets in Tunis Medina. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Beautiful ornate blue and black Islamic door. Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Abstract of a traditional Tunisian Islamic door in Tunis Medina
karl_beeney: Empty Rue de Torbay with a blue door in the Medina of Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Typical narrow passage in the grand Tunis Medina. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Large lantern hanging above a peeling street. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Devout muslim cleric passing down a quiet lane. Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Decorative lamp hanging from a beautiful Islamic dome in the Torbet El Bey.Tunisia
karl_beeney: Lantern hanging from the main dome of the Torbet El Bey Mausoleum. Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Islamic enscribed beetle artwork. Tunis Medina. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Deserted alleyway ay night. Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Modern fishing boats on a Phoenician era harbour. Carthage. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Abstract shot of The Lady of Carthage Mosaic. Carthage. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Mosaic of a naked lady with fruit. Carthage. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Blue and white of Sidi Bou Said. Tunisia
karl_beeney: The striking Yusuf Dey Masjid. Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Souk el Berka in the Central Medina in Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Minaret of the Hammouda Pasha Masjid. Tunis. Tunisia.
karl_beeney: Two men in conversation close to the Hammouda Pasha mosque. Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Traditional styled Islamic door on Rue Bir Lahjar. Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Mother and son strolling past the Achour Medressa. Tunis. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Small vegetable market beneath the minaret of the Rebaa Mosque. Bizerte. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Old fishing warehouses at Ksiba, the harbour of Bizerte. Tunisia
karl_beeney: Warehouses along the harbour front in Ksiba, Bizerte. Tunisia
karl_beeney: A brief break in the rain at the harbour of Bizerte. Tunisia
karl_beeney: As the rains fall over the coastal town of Bizerte. Tunisia