karl_beeney: Thick carpet of wild flowers in Spring. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The long and steep descent from Sani Pass down to South Africa. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The Sani road that hugs the mountains of the South Drakensberg between Lesotho and South Africa.
karl_beeney: Hanging out the laundry under a blue sky. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Light, shadow and reflection on the plateau above Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The Sani Pass Hotel at the summit on the plateau. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Facing South East from the Drakensberg Escarpment nr The Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Individual standing close to the escarpment edge. Sani Pass. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Road side shoe repair man in the town of Mokhotlong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Lady from neighbouring village walking to Mokhotlong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Small settlement of tin houses beath the Royal mountin of... Maseru. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Rock strewn landscape created by a rift. Nr. Maseru. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Human sculpted marker at a gravesite at the Royal ... Nr Maseru. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Growing at severe angles ... trees. Royal burial grounds. Maseru. Lesotho
karl_beeney: River running around the perimetre of town. Semongkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Children with their dog after the rain had passed. Semongkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Local man wrapped with a brown blanket. Semongkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Rolling lands of nature and arable. Semongkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Two boys and a dog walking across country outside Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Vast open land under a rich cloud soaked sky. Nr Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Small pool filled by the March rains. Landscape near the provincal town of Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Local wearing the traditional Balaclava and blanket. Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: One side of the canyon wall bathed in light as a storm moves in. Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The deeply rich and partially lit canyon outside Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Canyon under the drama on an incoming storm. Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The smooth grassland that gives way to the high drop Canyon. Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Horseman passing along the rim to the deep canyon near Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Down into the darkness of the canyon and the light mist at the base of the Maletsunyane Falls. Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: The rich and striking landscape where the Maletsunyane Falls dive into the canyon. Semonkong. Lesotho
karl_beeney: Short waterfall that will spill over into the nearby canyon. Semonkong. Lesotho