karl_beeney: Tibetan ladies making worshipping act outside Jorkhang Temple,Lhasa-Tibet
karl_beeney: A Tibetan and a Chinese amongst the sacred smoke on Jorkang Square. Lhasa-Tibet
karl_beeney: Tibetans filtering through the incense on Jorkhang Square, Lhasa-Tibet
karl_beeney: Quiet morning down side street. Lhasa-Tibet
karl_beeney: Prayer flags in abundance at small shrine on hill at Gyantse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Prayer flags towering the spiritual summits outside Pelkhor Monastery, Gyantse-Tibet
karl_beeney: High elevation expanse of the Kumbum Chorten and Pelkhor Monastery. Gyantse -Tibet
karl_beeney: Abstract partial and patterned shot of the terraces of the KumBum. Gyatse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Pilgrim clutching prayer wheel, early morning at the Jorkhang. Lhasa-Tibet (b&w)
karl_beeney: Woman making devout worship, early morning. Lhasa-Tibet (b&w)
karl_beeney: The last three levels to the mighty Kumbum allowing distant view of the Dzorg in Gyantse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Taking the quiet way home through Urban mosaic. Shigatse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Grouped together, the musicians take a break until further orders. Samkye Monastery-Tibet
karl_beeney: Single monk standing between pillars of courtyard at Sera Monastery. Lhasa-Tibet
karl_beeney: Four Orchre clad monks silently observing my presense at Tashilumpo Monastery. Gyatse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Four Devotees deep in conversation on Monastery steps of Tashilumpo. Shigatse - Tibet
karl_beeney: Dark clouds brood over great lake near Nygantse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Framed shot of structural formation of the Kumbum from darkened room. Gyantse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Hand of a Buddhist dietey and the price of belief. Gyantse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Large colourful statues of the Buddhist world side by side in Pelkhor Monastery. Gyatse-Tibet
karl_beeney: A foot note of religion and the cost of faith. Pelkhor Monastery. Gyatse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Ariel capture of large statue in dimly lit recess of the Kumbum, Gyatse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Thick sweeping clouds arrive on large lake near Ngatse- Tibet
karl_beeney: Monk sweeping the steps at the Holy temple of Tashilumpo Monastery. Gyatse-Tibet
karl_beeney: Bringing in the hay, the peasents labour at Gyantse-Tibet (b&w)
karl_beeney: Decorative Tibetan women taking a breather from following the Kora at Sera Monastery. Lhasa-Tibet (b&w)
karl_beeney: Following the small circuit around a set of Stupas at Sera Gompa. Lhasa-Tibet (b&w)
karl_beeney: Large white stupas under a paint brush sky-Tibet (b&w)
karl_beeney: Single figure with binoculars on terrace in front of white monastic building-Tibet (b&w)
karl_beeney: Striking Monastery on hillside looking out over Plateau near Nygatse-Tibet (b&w)