karl_beeney: The Glass dome over the British Museum, London-England
karl_beeney: The British Museums central library enclosure. Holborn. London. England
karl_beeney: Big Ben and the Houses of Parliement. London-England (b&w)
karl_beeney: Isolated patch of water close to the Sea at Cuckmere. East Sussex
karl_beeney: The rising landscape East of the river cuckmere. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: Looking South along the flooded path that heads further inland. Cuckmere. East Sussex
karl_beeney: Flood lake separated from the sea by an elevated hedge. Cuckmere. East Sussex.
karl_beeney: Breakwater with the beginning of the Seven Sisters behind. East Sussex
karl_beeney: Wooden breakwater cutting across the shingle beack at Cuckmere. East Sussex
karl_beeney: Close to where the River Cuckmere blends into the sea. East Sussex
karl_beeney: Three figures on the head land with Bel Toot light house in the far distance. East Sussex
karl_beeney: The rising and falling chalk coastline East to Bel Toot Light House. East Susssex
karl_beeney: Shingle, the river to the sea and the mighty chalk cliffs. East Sussex
karl_beeney: The Bel Toot light house with the coast guard cottages below. East Sussex
karl_beeney: The chalk face coastline heading East towards Birling Gap and Bel Tute. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: Cliff line leading East with Bel Tute lighthouse in the distance. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: The chalk cliff coastline winding East from Cuckmere. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: From Cuckmere to Birling Gap and Bel Tute Lighthouse. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: Pool of sunlight on part of the chalk cliffs near Cuckmere. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: Light and shadow on the cliff coastline towards Birling Gap. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: Where the river Cuckmere meets the English Chanel. east Sussex. England
karl_beeney: The dramatic cliff line from Cuckmere to Birling Gap. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: The headland with Bel Tute lighthouse partially covered in light. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: The chalk cliff face at Cuckmere. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: The shoreline and cliff edge under a heavy sky. Cuckmere. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: Along the shingle shoreline with the chalk cliffs behind. Cuckmere. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: Pool of light on the cliff face at Cuckmere. East Suusex. England
karl_beeney: Couple walking along the shiingle beach at high tide. Cuckmere. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: Sunlight breaking through over the English Chanel. Cuckmere. East Sussex. England
karl_beeney: Flooded path close to the sea break. Cuckmere. East Sussex. England