karl_beeney: The Rubiyat held by Omar Khayyam, Tabriz-Iran
karl_beeney: Street trader with his wares pegged to the wall. Tabriz-Iran (b&w)
karl_beeney: Emblazened on a flag, The Ayatolla Khoymeini,Tehran-Iran
karl_beeney: Old man operating traditional printing press, Yazd-Iran
karl_beeney: Intricate mosaic tile work of a minaret and dome, Shiraz-Iran
karl_beeney: Islamic enscriptions and mosaic inside The Sheikh Lotfallah Masjid, Esfahan-Iran
karl_beeney: Late afternoon along the Khaju Bridge in Esfahan-Iran
karl_beeney: Multiple lines of blue tile work and floral motifs, Sheik Lotfallah Masjid,Esfahan-Iran
karl_beeney: The Imam Masjid seen from the Shah Abbas II Palace, Esfahan-Iran
karl_beeney: Evening light radiating off Persian tile work at a Masjid, Shiraz-Iran
karl_beeney: Three Iranian children, poverty ridden, against mosaic wall. Shiraz-Iran
karl_beeney: In the shade under the Khaju Bridge, Esfahan-Iran
karl_beeney: Spiral pillars that makes up part of the Masjid -e- Vakil. Shiraz-Iran
karl_beeney: Ornate emerald mosaic and twisting pillars at the Masjid-e-Vakil, Shiraz-Iran
karl_beeney: Lion and Bull carving on stone at Persepolis-Iran
karl_beeney: The Tetra Pylon remains from Persepolis-Iran
karl_beeney: Time lapse in the Bazar -e Bazorg, Esfahan-Iran
karl_beeney: Remains of the Arg -e Bam after the Earthquake of 2004, evening light, Kerman Province-Iran
karl_beeney: The grand facade of the Amir Chakmaq with its twin minarets, Yazd-Iran
karl_beeney: The facade of intricate mirror work in the Khan -e Tabatabei, Kashan-Iran
karl_beeney: Biking down the back streets, Yazd-Iran
karl_beeney: Boy eating breakfast amongst empty tables. Esfahan-Iran (b&w)
karl_beeney: King Darius etched in stone, Persepolis. Shiraz-Iran (b&w)
karl_beeney: Reading the daily Persian paper in peace. Esfahan-Iran (b&w)
karl_beeney: The old man, a pair of shoes and his bicycle. Yazd-Iran (b&w)
karl_beeney: Ascending one of the many staircases at Masuleh-Iran
karl_beeney: Clinging to the valley like a clam in an ocean, Masuleh-Iran
karl_beeney: Corner wall of the Sheihk Lotfollah Masjid,Esfahan-Iran
karl_beeney: Deep Islamic blue tile work at the Emam Masjid, Esfahan. Iran.
karl_beeney: Deserted and neglected part of the Old Bizaar at Kerman-Iran