Krsoci: Jameson with his new hat
Krsoci: Ray with the monk fish
Krsoci: Keliie on the monorail
Krsoci: Kellie at Seattle Center
Krsoci: Kellie and Ray at the Space needle
Krsoci: Jameson with Ray at the space needle
Krsoci: Ray with Lake Union in the background
Krsoci: Seattle from the space needle
Krsoci: Puget Sound / Elliott Bay from space needle
Krsoci: Way to go Breanna
Krsoci: Breanna the pirate
Krsoci: Halloween
Krsoci: Ready to go
Krsoci: Who's scooby Doo?
Krsoci: Inspiration for being a pirate on Halloween
Krsoci: Black eye from playing Red Rover
Krsoci: So pretty, even with the black eye
Krsoci: You are just not right
Krsoci: Bashful all of a sudden