kquaas: Nate, Joey, Melissa and Kari
kquaas: The Norwegian, Melissa, the German, Nate and (crazy) Andy
kquaas: Dinner at the pub near our hotel
kquaas: Melissa, Kari and Nate
kquaas: Kari and Nate
kquaas: Kari in her dirndl mit wurst, Andy
kquaas: Layered Statue in Munich
kquaas: Joseph and the layered statue
kquaas: Tender Moment
kquaas: Andy and Melissa
kquaas: Nate, Joseph, Melissa and Andy
kquaas: Joseph, Andy and Nate
kquaas: Surfin' Orange
kquaas: Watching the Surfers
kquaas: Andy
kquaas: Andy (plus reflection)
kquaas: Melissa and Joseph
kquaas: Andy and the Monopteros
kquaas: Joseph and Melissa
kquaas: Reflection
kquaas: Fowl...
kquaas: Swan and Scene
kquaas: Walking back to the train station