The Happy Household:
Doesnt get any better then this. Freshly laid eggs. The bigger "red" eggs come from hens from the same breed. The variety of colours and sizes with in the same species/breeds is such a beautefull experience.
The Happy Household:
What a wondefull life
The Happy Household:
Its the adventures of the happy household
The Happy Household:
My little dinasaurs. Mixed breed roosters
The Happy Household:
Its been a #awesome 2020. Thank you for all your comments, messages, likes and friendships. Lots of learning, tons to be #grateful and #blessed for, fantastic adventures, over sixty thousand pictures made/taken including but not limited to a magazine cove
The Happy Household:
Living and working on a farm is a priceless experience. There is always something to do and photos to take. I feel blessed, grateful and thankful that i get to be part of this amazing adventure each and every day.