karinhoegh: Hurdy Gurdy Vintage Radio Museum, Howth ved Dublin
karinhoegh: Sign welcoming you to the Martello Tower on the hill
karinhoegh: Martello tower - this is where wireless was born.
karinhoegh: This stuff describes the first attempts to transmit wireless.
karinhoegh: Morse
karinhoegh: Pat Herbert is a collector of everything that can transmit and play sound.
karinhoegh: Crystal was before radio
karinhoegh: Marconi
karinhoegh: Michael gave us a very interesting tour.
karinhoegh: Doesn´t it look like Blues Snowball Microphone
karinhoegh: During the war people hid their radio antennas behind innicent looking pictures
karinhoegh: Behind a picture of Rita Hayworth or flowers or anything.
karinhoegh: Pat Herbert showing guests around
karinhoegh: Edison
karinhoegh: Martello Tower