karinga: Anna-Maria, Cecile, Inga, Raquel and Maria
karinga: London from the double-decker
karinga: Laima and Bob: waiting for a cab on Finchley road
karinga: Treasures of the British Museum
karinga: People from above in the British Museum
karinga: Clay dishes in the British Museum
karinga: Somewhere around Covent Garden
karinga: Tea and chocolate chip cookie in Starbucks.
karinga: Carnaby street ready for Christmas
karinga: Christmas in John Lewis
karinga: Fossils and seashells in the Natural History Museum
karinga: Seashells in the Natural History Museum
karinga: Mesolite in the Natural History Museum
karinga: Fossil coral in the Natural History Museum
karinga: Mother of pearl and 'flower of iron' in the Natural History Museum
karinga: Blue John in the Natural History Museum
karinga: The Earth sculpture in the Natural History Museum
karinga: The Natural History Museum
karinga: Somewhere in London
karinga: Somewhere in London
karinga: Somewhere in London
karinga: Tower Bridge
karinga: Oxford street crowd
karinga: Oxford street ready for Christmas
karinga: Portobello market crowd
karinga: Laima, Bob and Bruce in Hyde park
karinga: Inga and Laima in Hyde park
karinga: Inga and Laima in Hyde park
karinga: Bob and Bruce in Hyde park
karinga: Somewhere around Old Street station