Katinka357: ...nur Schneeregen / ... just sleet
Katinka357: Skulptur - Großer Kopf / Sculpture - Big head
Katinka357: Toreinfahrt / Gate entrance
Katinka357: Don't walk away
Katinka357: Endlich Schnee ... / Finaly snow ...
Katinka357: Es wird bald dunkel ... / It gets dark soon ...
Katinka357: Winter
Katinka357: Cyclist
Katinka357: Think of me
Katinka357: Step in
Katinka357: Altes Haus / Old house
Katinka357: Stachelig / Spiny
Katinka357: Teamwork
Katinka357: Come in
Katinka357: Gabeln / Forks
Katinka357: Löwenzahnblüte / Dandelion flower
Katinka357: Es schneit / It's snowing (2020)
Katinka357: Shadows of the past - they haunt you ...
Katinka357: After the rain - a heart of small petals
Katinka357: Little spider
Katinka357: Stormy day
Katinka357: I look at you
Katinka357: Wenn du fliegen willst, musst du das loslassen, was dich runterzieht.
Katinka357: Old Barbers
Katinka357: Snowfall
Katinka357: Portrait
Katinka357: Please take a seat ...
Katinka357: Dog Trail