austindca: queen butterfly
austindca: swallowtail butterfly
austindca: another queen butterfly
austindca: queen butterfly
austindca: queen butterfly
austindca: little yellow butterfly
austindca: bumblebee in the sage
austindca: skipper butterfly on rock rose
austindca: common buckeye butterfly
austindca: queen butterfly
austindca: monarch caterpillar
austindca: monarch caterpillar
austindca: queen butterfly in the mistflowers
austindca: queen butterfly on mistflower
austindca: snowberry clearwing moth
austindca: butterfly - probably horace's duskywing (2/2)
austindca: butterfly - probably horace's duskywing (1/2)
austindca: queen butterfly
austindca: skipper butterfly - not sure which one
austindca: queen butterfly on mistflower
austindca: gray hairstreak butterfly on prairie coneflower
austindca: moth in the woods
austindca: gray hairstreak butterfly on prairie coneflower
austindca: hairstreak butterfly on barbara's buttons flower
austindca: buckeye butterfly
austindca: skipper in the moutain laurel
austindca: american snout (1/2)
austindca: little yellow
austindca: gulf fritillary
austindca: variegated fritillary