austindca: male house sparrow, speaking up
austindca: female house sparrow at the feeder
austindca: female house sparrow, displaying her feathers
austindca: female house sparrow
austindca: male house sparrow
austindca: angry male house sparrow
austindca: male house sparrow
austindca: male house sparrow on the fence
austindca: male house sparrow
austindca: house sparrow couple
austindca: male house sparrow
austindca: sparrow morning sun
austindca: singing sparrow in the brush
austindca: sparrow in the brush
austindca: sparrows in the brush
austindca: female house sparrow
austindca: female house finch
austindca: female house finch
austindca: house finch couple
austindca: female house finch jan 10 2017
austindca: house finch looking skyward
austindca: house finch pair
austindca: finch in the brush
austindca: female lesser goldfinch at the feeder
austindca: female lesser goldfinch at the feeder
austindca: female lesser goldfinch
austindca: male lesser goldfinch
austindca: male lesser goldfinch at the feeder
austindca: male house sparrow
austindca: house sparrows in the tree