old desolate: Hiker, Granite Creek
old desolate: High country
old desolate: The nature of ice2
old desolate: 2012_0111GraniteLAKMOSUCVlTON0004
old desolate: Detail, animal track in ice
old desolate: Ridge view
old desolate: Winter trees
old desolate: And more ice
old desolate: At Granite Creek
old desolate: Granite Creek in dappled light
old desolate: Detail, thawing ice
old desolate: Closeup ice
old desolate: Leaves and thin layer of ice
old desolate: Looking toward Mt Teneriffe
old desolate: Where the road meets Granite Creek
old desolate: On the way back
old desolate: An emergency boot repair
old desolate: Back to the car just in time