karenpeacock: The landscape changes
karenpeacock: The plane
karenpeacock: The pilot
karenpeacock: Farmland
karenpeacock: Farmland
karenpeacock: Rare bits of forest
karenpeacock: Moving northeast
karenpeacock: The changing landscape from above
karenpeacock: The changing landscape from above
karenpeacock: The changing landscape from above
karenpeacock: The changing landscape from above
karenpeacock: Arriving at Lewa
karenpeacock: The airstrip
karenpeacock: Our plane departs for its next stop
karenpeacock: Our plane departs for its next stop
karenpeacock: The airstrip's bathroom
karenpeacock: Do not drive on the air strip
karenpeacock: Oryx herd
karenpeacock: Grevy's zebra
karenpeacock: My tent
karenpeacock: The view from my tent
karenpeacock: My bathroom
karenpeacock: My porch
karenpeacock: My porch
karenpeacock: Dad arrives at my tent
karenpeacock: Lunch by the pool
karenpeacock: A visitor at lunchtime
karenpeacock: A visitor at lunchtime
karenpeacock: Our lunch spot
karenpeacock: Shallow Water No Diving