karenpeacock: Tom in his Raven's mask
karenpeacock: Is anybody home?
karenpeacock: Yawn #2
karenpeacock: Old Halloween pumpkin
karenpeacock: Vultures
karenpeacock: The lionesses continue their stalking
karenpeacock: Spotted hyena and golden jackal
karenpeacock: ...The crocodile continues his pursuit...
karenpeacock: Vultures
karenpeacock: Crocodiles rest at the river's edge
karenpeacock: The zebras continue to elude the crocodiles
karenpeacock: The road from Nairobi
karenpeacock: Crossing zebras continue to elude the crocodiles
karenpeacock: Sawmill, Bodie
karenpeacock: Lindsey's pumpkin
karenpeacock: Morgue
karenpeacock: Kenya traffic
karenpeacock: ...The crocodiles spot him...
karenpeacock: Vultures
karenpeacock: Halloween lights
karenpeacock: Stay away from those teeth
karenpeacock: Vultures
karenpeacock: Dead iguana skeleton
karenpeacock: Crocodile kills a crossing wildebeest
karenpeacock: Kristin in her Raven's mask
karenpeacock: Halloween lights
karenpeacock: And then they stop, and the wildebeest continues on its way
karenpeacock: ...And pounces...
karenpeacock: The croc opens its huge jaws...