karenchristine552: Woman on the streets of Lima
karenchristine552: Red flower Miraflores Lima Peru
karenchristine552: lima water utilituy covr
karenchristine552: Lima utility cover
karenchristine552: becky Lima walk
karenchristine552: Elliot and Chris Lima
karenchristine552: Chris lima
karenchristine552: Rebecca Elliot Lima
karenchristine552: Guy sending to the Inka Ka
karenchristine552: Beck by the inka market lima
karenchristine552: Margot and gail walking in Lima
karenchristine552: Bleu building Lima
karenchristine552: Love Park mosiacs with artist inofr
karenchristine552: First meal in Lima at the Marriot
karenchristine552: Elliots first lunch in Peru Peruvian seafood stew
karenchristine552: Tilework Love Park Lima Peru
karenchristine552: sunset Miraflores Lima Peru
karenchristine552: painting a mural Miraflores Lima Peru
karenchristine552: Miraflores and ocean from our hotel room in Lima
karenchristine552: Market Miraflores lima Peru with Joe and Gail
karenchristine552: Market Miraflores Lima Peru with Becky and Gail
karenchristine552: love Prk with light oourse Miraflores Lima Peru
karenchristine552: Lima sunset from Miraflores
karenchristine552: Huaca Pucliana ruins and cactus
karenchristine552: Huaca Pucliana ruins
karenchristine552: Elliot Love Park Miraflores Lima Peru
karenchristine552: Elliot looking at the Ocean Miraflores, Lima, Peru
karenchristine552: Elliot at El Parque del Amor Or Love Park Lima Peru
karenchristine552: El Parque del Amor Or Love Park
karenchristine552: El Parque del Amor Or Love Park dtrail of the poetry and tilework