karenchristine552: PHL just shoveled keeping ahead of it
karenchristine552: Snail Fence Philadelphia Snow Night
karenchristine552: Chris in the Blizzard early morning
karenchristine552: Snail fence during the 2016 blizzard
karenchristine552: PHLsnow blizzard 2016
karenchristine552: PHLsnow blizzard 2016 bw
karenchristine552: PHLsnow about 3 inches shoveled
karenchristine552: Bilzzard in Philadelphia with Chris bw
karenchristine552: PHLsnow early Snowing hard
karenchristine552: PHLsnow blizzard
karenchristine552: PHLsnow 48th st 5am saturday
karenchristine552: PHLsnow 5am at least a foot
karenchristine552: Chris in the snow at night PHLsnow 2016
karenchristine552: PLH Snow shoveling
karenchristine552: PHLsnow people out
karenchristine552: PHLsnow keeping ahead if it