karenchristine552: Chris with purple light Christmas 2015 Kingston PA
karenchristine552: Chris on Christmas Charles Ave Kingston PA
karenchristine552: Chris BW on Christmas Charles Ave Kingston PA
karenchristine552: Two seedpods in Becky's Drive
karenchristine552: tucker christmas 2015
karenchristine552: tree with georgia bw
karenchristine552: tree with chris at christmas
karenchristine552: tree at xmas crazy
karenchristine552: Rainy day in Kingston PA
karenchristine552: Hege in Kingston
karenchristine552: christmasChristmas morning early at becks
karenchristine552: Christmas tree 2015
karenchristine552: Christmas Morning before
karenchristine552: Christmas Day
karenchristine552: Chatoes and E Dorrance Kingston PA
karenchristine552: Charles and Dorrence Ave Kingston PA Christmas 2015
karenchristine552: At Becks with Ruth Becky and Jesse Talula also
karenchristine552: the tree the mantle and the angel I amde in art class at Wyoming Seminary
karenchristine552: aincent ornaments
karenchristine552: white snowflake ornament with victorian stamp impressions
karenchristine552: two white ornaments with bold black bands
karenchristine552: three house ornament st\with golden splotches
karenchristine552: sage ornaments
karenchristine552: ornaments sage
karenchristine552: Ornaments bold
karenchristine552: ornament with shell from Costa Rica
karenchristine552: ornaments ready for the next step
karenchristine552: ornaments ready for bisque