karenchristine552: door with lace
karenchristine552: School bus on Cedar through northern sea oats
karenchristine552: sunset on Cedar with oak leaves
karenchristine552: green planter and dried leaves
karenchristine552: Dried leave and a turret
karenchristine552: dried leaves sundown
karenchristine552: oak leaves on Cedar
karenchristine552: Holman's Roses in winter
karenchristine552: shiny bike
karenchristine552: iris in winter
karenchristine552: school bus bokeh
karenchristine552: Red Creeper and mail truck
karenchristine552: Focus Chris Focus
karenchristine552: waiting for spring
karenchristine552: The Studio with two turtles
karenchristine552: Hazel ave sundown
karenchristine552: holiday lights with greens
karenchristine552: school bus and dried northern sea oats on 48th St
karenchristine552: Cedar Ave through pointed fence
karenchristine552: iris and iron fence
karenchristine552: holiday decorations on Cedar
karenchristine552: iron work on 48th st
karenchristine552: Dried Iris on Cedar light fading
karenchristine552: posole and Dixon red chile with blue bowl
karenchristine552: On the Walk with Elliot and georgia
karenchristine552: brown leaves on our walk
karenchristine552: leaves in motion
karenchristine552: two bowls one posole dreaming of new mexico again
karenchristine552: Blue bowl reflection new years
karenchristine552: two with different interest