karenchristine552: reading on a truck
karenchristine552: muddy face
karenchristine552: runnung across
karenchristine552: on the parkett
karenchristine552: pumpkin spice
karenchristine552: running on Baltimore
karenchristine552: the shed
karenchristine552: fan and brush
karenchristine552: bike lane on Walnut
karenchristine552: new world lounge
karenchristine552: 36th Street 5 am
karenchristine552: trolleys start running 530 am
karenchristine552: two ways to go
karenchristine552: the quad sunrise
karenchristine552: Crossing Spruce sunrise
karenchristine552: tomatoe and morning glories
karenchristine552: two tomatoes and red
karenchristine552: baltimore and 47th 7pm
karenchristine552: in the corner calling
karenchristine552: yards bottled on kathy's birthday
karenchristine552: lion with forked tongue
karenchristine552: flamincos on 48th
karenchristine552: Reading in silver
karenchristine552: colonial pizza
karenchristine552: open moving
karenchristine552: open vietnamese food 1
karenchristine552: vietnamese food open
karenchristine552: bike spokes blue
karenchristine552: bike spokes up close
karenchristine552: two bikes #1