karenchristine552: enjoy coca cola
karenchristine552: Arader Tree Service truck
karenchristine552: walnut st sunset
karenchristine552: scaffolding at Metropolitan bakery
karenchristine552: walking past the Hair Lounge
karenchristine552: by Lees deli
karenchristine552: wh would have known these days?
karenchristine552: the garden compost
karenchristine552: ecinaecea seed heads
karenchristine552: ecinacea done 1
karenchristine552: ecinacea seedhead
karenchristine552: bridge over warrington at dusk
karenchristine552: going over the bridge
karenchristine552: tree service truck with a red flower
karenchristine552: biking across baltimore ave
karenchristine552: guys talkin loud in the subway