karenchristine552: this is the way
karenchristine552: interior study 1
karenchristine552: interior study 2
karenchristine552: interior study 3
karenchristine552: zia in the dining room
karenchristine552: trolley wires cross here
karenchristine552: on baltimore with the trolley
karenchristine552: dollar stroll today green line sign
karenchristine552: iron work snail in the fence
karenchristine552: sea oats
karenchristine552: smells like water lillies
karenchristine552: on the fence at Cedar
karenchristine552: brugmansia
karenchristine552: the corner
karenchristine552: hair lounge
karenchristine552: baltimore at 47th
karenchristine552: crossing baltimore
karenchristine552: elenas soul dj
karenchristine552: good fried chicken 1
karenchristine552: guy with the salmon shirt by Elena's Soul
karenchristine552: Elena's line at the dollar stroll
karenchristine552: Elena's Soul waiting for the fried chicken
karenchristine552: speeding over
karenchristine552: corner of 49th and baltimore
karenchristine552: pink pants
karenchristine552: blue bike at the dollar stroll 1
karenchristine552: head of the dock street line 7
karenchristine552: head of the dock street line 5
karenchristine552: head of the dock street line 6
karenchristine552: on abaltimore ave behind orange shirt