karenchristine552: radicchio flower
karenchristine552: radicchio flower with bee
karenchristine552: yellow wood sorrel
karenchristine552: yellow woodsorrel 2
karenchristine552: paint work on Hazel
karenchristine552: leaves on Hazel
karenchristine552: Flowers on cedar Lavendar like
karenchristine552: flowers on cedar 2
karenchristine552: flowers on Cedar adjusted
karenchristine552: flowers on Cear 1
karenchristine552: stars martians shallow depth of field
karenchristine552: stars martians shallow depth of field 2
karenchristine552: stars martians shallow depth of field 3
karenchristine552: stars martians shallow depth of field 4
karenchristine552: flag on the porch
karenchristine552: stars muppet shallow depth of field
karenchristine552: stars muppet shallow depth of field 2
karenchristine552: stars mirror shallow depth of field 3
karenchristine552: stars mirror shallow depth of field
karenchristine552: stars mirror shallow depth of field 5
karenchristine552: on the porch
karenchristine552: Flag shallow depth of field
karenchristine552: At 48th St
karenchristine552: bicycle girl with yellow top
karenchristine552: 47th and Baltimore
karenchristine552: Blue building and Greys Ferrry Ave
karenchristine552: blue building on Greys Ferry Ave
karenchristine552: on Baltimore Ave