karenchristine552: sedum in the snow 1
karenchristine552: 356/60 On St Davids Day
karenchristine552: On St David's Day
karenchristine552: 365/61 Welsh shell on black plate
karenchristine552: Signs of spring after a stormy winter
karenchristine552: the dress the cousins wore with charm bracelet
karenchristine552: 365/63 stairs and dreams of New Mexico
karenchristine552: neon at reading terminal 1
karenchristine552: red gloriosa at the flower show
karenchristine552: pitcher plant at the flower show
karenchristine552: yellow gloriosa at the flower show
karenchristine552: 356/62 snapper soup a Philadelphia institution
karenchristine552: winter aconite field of dreams
karenchristine552: 365/63 light floods the garden
karenchristine552: 365/64 Faded Hydrangia intense morning sun
karenchristine552: 365/65 crocus emerging from the dead leaves after a hard winter 2
karenchristine552: rosehip on cedar evening sun 2
karenchristine552: Rebecca and Georgia 04-17-06_
karenchristine552: 365/66 Beaver College Bio lab scale channeling Man Ray
karenchristine552: 365/67 Cedar Ave sunset
karenchristine552: coleus growing to the light
karenchristine552: Carolyn and Kai on 47th St going for a snack
karenchristine552: the first dafodills
karenchristine552: 365/68 I see the emerging wild flowers
karenchristine552: shingles bricks and mortar on Cedar
karenchristine552: dream and the garden shed
karenchristine552: 365/69 rainy flowers on 48th Street
karenchristine552: 365/70 eggplant for dinner