Big thanks to my mom who took care of Kylie for us when Karen and I were at CTCA Atlanta. Mom bought me an hour-long massage yesterday and it was heavenly. Thanks Mom!
Big thanks to our friend Sarah and her daughter Lily for taking Kylie to the OneSpark event and to Sweet Pete Candy Store on Sunday. Kylie had a blast!
Bedtime and Kylie is sharing a comic she just wrote in her bedroom while Phoebe cat looks on. The unicorn robe is a nightly affair.
Kylie missed some swim practices due to a cold. Today she was so happy to be back in the pool.
Today Kylie met her Bolles High School pen pal, Asha. The two traded letters several times this year. Kylie met her at the Bolles High School campus for lunch.
Our cat Phoebe doesn't enjoy being held like this (as you can tell by the look on her face). But she lets Kylie hold her. And look at sweet Kylie's face. She loves Phoebe so much.
Grandpa came to Florida to visit. Yesterday he and Sue hung out with Kylie at their hotel pool and at the beach. Kylie is looking good in her new bathing suit!
Today Karen will receive her third chemotherapy infusion at Mayo Clinic Hospital. We've learned a few things to make it more comfortable for us...things like bringing your own snacks and coffee.