wenkars: Cousins enjoying the beach
wenkars: Love her new purple shirt, her sunny smile and catching lens flare with the camera.
wenkars: Lots of dramatic pretend singing these days.
wenkars: Kylie is taking an introduction to sewing- summer camp class. Today, on a sewing machine, she made headbands for herself and her AG doll.
wenkars: My Minion
wenkars: Minion Movie today.
wenkars: One of Karen's colleagues gave Kylie several great Lego kits.
wenkars: Kylie made this bunny on her last day of sewing camp.
wenkars: Kylie made this cute clay house in architect/art camp.
wenkars: One of Karen's consulting clients gave Kylie a huge and wonderful box of gifts.
wenkars: Grandpa kept Kylie busy and happy last weekend.
wenkars: Granna has taken such good care of us. We had a good-bye cup of frozen yogurt last night.
wenkars: Kylie is doing great with her sewing class. Check out her stuffed owl and snake!