Karen Tillett Photography:
Greenhouse Whitefly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Female caddisfly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Male Caddisfly Bluish-Black Silverhorn
Karen Tillett Photography:
Karen Tillett Photography:
Crane Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
House Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Fungus taking no Prisoners
Karen Tillett Photography:
Gall Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Musca Domestica
Karen Tillett Photography:
Fly on a Wire
Karen Tillett Photography:
The Eyes Have It
Karen Tillett Photography:
Stunning Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Female Dung Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Female Dung Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Black Horned Gem (Soldier fly)
Karen Tillett Photography:
Urophora Stylata (Female)
Karen Tillett Photography:
Bull Thistle Gall Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Soldier Fly : Broad Centurion
Karen Tillett Photography:
Male Dung Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Barkfly Ectopsocus briggsi agg.
Karen Tillett Photography:
A Dagger Fly on a Yellow Flower
Karen Tillett Photography:
Blow Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Fruit Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Fruit Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Tiny Fly
Karen Tillett Photography:
Crane Fly Nephrotoma quadrifaria
Karen Tillett Photography:
Tephritis Bardanae-Tephritids