Karen Tillett Photography: Tetragnatha nigrita
Karen Tillett Photography: Tetragnatha nigrita
Karen Tillett Photography: Another Ladybird
Karen Tillett Photography: Harlequin Ladybird
Karen Tillett Photography: Delia Radicum Anthomyiid FliesRoot Fly
Karen Tillett Photography: Pisaura mirabilis
Karen Tillett Photography: Rove BeetleTachyporus Hypnorum
Karen Tillett Photography: Liocoris tripustulatus
Karen Tillett Photography: Unknown Bug in a Dandelion
Karen Tillett Photography: Covered in Pollen
Karen Tillett Photography: Male Dung fly has caught a blue bottle and is about to tuck in!
Karen Tillett Photography: Male Dung fly with its catch for dinner!
Karen Tillett Photography: Tetragnatha strata Long jawed orb weaver