moos: "Yes?"
moos: Sleepyhead
moos: Red is his color
moos: Archie loves Duke
moos: No nipping!
moos: The Boys
moos: Silly mouths
moos: "C'mon, Duke, let's play lion tamer."
moos: "Oh, I was probably a pest when I was his size."
moos: "C'mon wait for me!"
moos: DSC_0075
moos: DSC_0072
moos: DSC_0064
moos: DSC_0059
moos: Archie takes the point.
moos: DSC_0043
moos: DSC_0036
moos: DSC_0034
moos: DSC_0033
moos: "I like these big red hydrants."
moos: DSC_0022
moos: DSC_0021
moos: DSC_0019_2
moos: DSC_0016
moos: So many smells
moos: Little dog, big dog.
moos: "This is deep!"
moos: Here comes Archie
moos: Little Spaniel, Big Spaniel
moos: "Why shouldn't I jump on your head?"