moos: Rocky & Shadow
moos: "Do I know you?"
moos: Rocky still won't pose
moos: Rocky in the beet field
moos: Rocky refuses to pose
moos: Not too spoiled
moos: Handsome Rocky
moos: What do you see?
moos: Yawn
moos: Don't Fall!
moos: Rocky Spies Rabbit
moos: I'm Not Looking At You
moos: Take Time to Smell the Lilies
moos: One legged cat - kidding
moos: Rocky posing by turds
moos: "Can anyone stay still for a second?"
moos: Uhhh - Rocky - it's a dog bed
moos: Am I boring you?
moos: Purrfect Pusskers
moos: He is not asleep
moos: Happy Furry Friday
moos: He will NOT stay still - and -
moos: Some time without Sugar
moos: "I think that I should bite her."
moos: Watching birds
moos: Pussy footing
moos: Bright eyes
moos: Rocky approaches
moos: Rocky on the feed bunk
moos: "The calves can't catch me here."