moos: Across the Bridge
moos: Barley
moos: Overcast Alfalfa Field
moos: Alfalfa Corner
moos: Beartooth Mountains to the west
moos: Still Spraying Sugar Beets
moos: Calf Table
moos: Frosty Angus Morning
moos: Winter feeding
moos: Pets & Pumpkins
moos: Clean Corn Rows
moos: Corn Cultivator Close-Up
moos: Corn Cultivator
moos: Early Corn
moos: 12 Row Beet Cultivator
moos: Sugar Beet Cultivator
moos: Boxcar
moos: Sugar Beet Field
moos: This Old Barn
moos: JD 3430 Swather
moos: Wild Asparagus Going to Seed
moos: Baling the Ends
moos: The Beets Go On
moos: JD - 535 Baler
moos: Clouds Rolling In
moos: Old Barn
moos: Not Oats, More Barley
moos: Hay Bales - from previous years
moos: Hay Rake
moos: Hay Down