KPalette: Twichell's Again
KPalette: A photograph my dad would have taken only he didn't and he doesn't take photos anymore
KPalette: Well, I was at the mall...
KPalette: Runaway
KPalette: Mirrored
KPalette: Sunoco
KPalette: Eye for an eye
KPalette: Ah! Oui, oui
KPalette: Still in Michigan
KPalette: The Berry Patch
KPalette: A little dream again
KPalette: Last Year at Pinball Pete's
KPalette: Write a Review
KPalette: Peaceable Kingdom
KPalette: Welcome
KPalette: Peeking
KPalette: In Amongst
KPalette: To Issue From
KPalette: Shadow Dance
KPalette: Around the fence
KPalette: Doggie in the Window
KPalette: Five Years Old Now
KPalette: At the mall - Ugly/pretty or vice versa