karakutaia: Shadow of the door
karakutaia: Shade of the bicycle
karakutaia: rantan
karakutaia: Cuttlefish-Japanese bar
karakutaia: Cuttlefish-Japanese Naked bulb-2
karakutaia: The sky of dusk (Clouds)
karakutaia: White tree
karakutaia: White forest
karakutaia: light
karakutaia: My building of the illusion.
karakutaia: Mirror
karakutaia: Roof_
karakutaia: Floating
karakutaia: Cocoon-shaped cakes
karakutaia: Design of the window
karakutaia: Tokyo Station of the fantasy
karakutaia: Tokyo Station of the fantasy-2
karakutaia: Tokyo Station of the fantasy-3
karakutaia: Tokyo Station of the fantasy-4
karakutaia: Time until the New Year
karakutaia: Valley of the building-1
karakutaia: Valley of the building-2
karakutaia: Avenue of the light
karakutaia: Night - seikoh
karakutaia: Ghost chimney
karakutaia: shinjiuku-shado ( Japan skyscraper !!!)
karakutaia: Strange country
karakutaia: Strange country - 2
karakutaia: Forest of the glass
karakutaia: Stomach of the whale