karakutaia: Shikoku Number one of holy ground 
karakutaia: Warehouse and Firewall ( Arita )
karakutaia: Town of pottery ( Arita )
karakutaia: Tamon Wall
karakutaia: The red burns
karakutaia: Tea ceremony My style (sadoh enshiyuruh)
karakutaia: Tea ceremony room.
karakutaia: kishimojin of the winter day
karakutaia: kishimojinn of the sunset
karakutaia: Guardian deity of children-2
karakutaia: Guardian deity of children
karakutaia: New Year's visit to a Shinto shrine
karakutaia: New Year's visit to a Shinto shrine
karakutaia: Hatsumohde (Go to the shrine at the beginning of the year.)
karakutaia: New Year Kabuki-3
karakutaia: New Year Kabuki-2
karakutaia: New Year Kabuki
karakutaia: Cityscape of The Edo period.- 4
karakutaia: Cityscape of The Edo period.-3
karakutaia: Cityscape of The Edo period.- 2
karakutaia: Newspaper publisher
karakutaia: Cityscape of the Meiji-2
karakutaia: Movie theater
karakutaia: Cityscape of the Meiji-1
karakutaia: Silver-Five Storeyed Pagoda.
karakutaia: Gold-Five Storeyed Pagoda.
karakutaia: zenshiyoin
karakutaia: Cityscape of The Edo period. ( El período Edo.)    
karakutaia: Roof-tokyo tower
karakutaia: Moss garden