KaraJMiller: Hermit crab damage to Ted's thumb
KaraJMiller: Crotch view
KaraJMiller: Cove to the north of our house
KaraJMiller: Cannonball on Daddy!
KaraJMiller: Eagle eye on the family
KaraJMiller: Conch pizza-yup!
KaraJMiller: Conch salad and BBQ chicken from roadside stand
KaraJMiller: Conch salad stand-fancy!
KaraJMiller: Driving along
KaraJMiller: Drama at Ocean Hole
KaraJMiller: Driving on the left side of the road
KaraJMiller: Abandoned Cotton Bay beach club
KaraJMiller: Cotton Bay beach was PACKED that day!
KaraJMiller: Damn tourists crowding Cotton Bay!
KaraJMiller: Cotton Bay Point
KaraJMiller: Bathing suits loaded with sand after this
KaraJMiller: Daddy shows off his synchronized swimming prowess
KaraJMiller: Floating Ted head
KaraJMiller: Cotton Bay Beach
KaraJMiller: Excavation
KaraJMiller: Bug spray-an absolute necessity-damn horseflies!
KaraJMiller: Damn! I need a pube waxing!
KaraJMiller: Cotton Bay beach on the horizon
KaraJMiller: A happy Magpie
KaraJMiller: All the comforts of home
KaraJMiller: Big night out in Governor's Harbour listening to the marching band
KaraJMiller: High steppin' by the North Eleuthera Marching Band
KaraJMiller: "Little Drummer Boy" Bahamian style
KaraJMiller: Here comes the Junkanoo parade!
KaraJMiller: Hats to rival the Kentucky Derby