the Magnificent Octopus: Monktonhall Colliery - coal wagon rails
the Magnificent Octopus: Monktonhall Colliery - careful! 920m drop!
the Magnificent Octopus: Monktonhall Colliery - towards the surface loading bunker
the Magnificent Octopus: Monktonhall Colliery preparation plant
the Magnificent Octopus: NCB Niddrie brick - Monktonhall Colliery
the Magnificent Octopus: NCB Newton brick - Monktonhall Colliery
the Magnificent Octopus: Wally... - Monktonhall Colliery
the Magnificent Octopus: Still watching over Monktonhall Colliery
the Magnificent Octopus: Monktonhall Colliery panorama
the Magnificent Octopus: This way to M[onkto]nhall Colliery
the Magnificent Octopus: This way to... Blindwells NCB
the Magnificent Octopus: Dalkeith Colliery
the Magnificent Octopus: Easthouses Colliery
the Magnificent Octopus: A memento from Newbattle
the Magnificent Octopus: Ropeway Relic
the Magnificent Octopus: Private Bing
the Magnificent Octopus: A memento from GISCOL
the Magnificent Octopus: Limeylands Bing
the Magnificent Octopus: A memento from Whitehill
the Magnificent Octopus: Here lay... Oxenford Pit
the Magnificent Octopus: Here lay... Bellyford Pit
the Magnificent Octopus: Here lay... Limeylands Pit
the Magnificent Octopus: Here lay... Bog, Howden and Fleets Pits
the Magnificent Octopus: Welcome to Woolmet
the Magnificent Octopus: Woolmet hutch
the Magnificent Octopus: Welcome to Longannet
the Magnificent Octopus: Prestongrange Colliery