kapshure: Tiburon
kapshure: Cleat Hitch
kapshure: Decaying In Homer
kapshure: Stardust
kapshure: AK 8206B
kapshure: Paddling Portland
kapshure: Boat Decay
kapshure: Secured
kapshure: Seward
kapshure: Virginis
kapshure: Capt Lam
kapshure: Portland
kapshure: Boss Man
kapshure: Captain Joe
kapshure: Captain James N
kapshure: America's Cup
kapshure: America's Cup
kapshure: shipwrecked
kapshure: View from the slip - Alaska. 35mm film
kapshure: The Mighty Mississippi
kapshure: INUA
kapshure: Lindsay. Alaska. 35mm film
kapshure: Homer Marina
kapshure: Pt Reyes boat
kapshure: Point Reyes boat